Setting Up ROCP

Understanding web directory

Create a folder in C:\Apache2\htdocs and call it rocp (or any name you wish). Read the Q&A if you want ROCP to be the main site instead.


Download the archive, which is usually in rar format, from links posted on eAthena Home or the ROCP project site. Unpack it to C:\Apache2\htdocs\rocp.


Create the cp database and populate it if you have not already done so, following instructions in Creating MySQL Database and Creating MySQL Users.

Run the following script in Query Browser:

where your account name is myname in this guide.
INSERT INTO cp.privilege SELECT account_id, 4 FROM ragnarok.login WHERE userid = 'your account name';


Edit config.php in C:\Apache2\htdocs\rocp and as a minimum, complete (use the default value in single quotes where available):

  • $CONFIG['db_host'] = 'localhost';
  • $CONFIG['db_username'] = 'cp or your cp user';
  • $CONFIG['db_password'] = 'cp or your cp user password';
  • $CONFIG['cp_db_name'] = 'cp';
  • $CONFIG['db_name'] = 'ragnarok';
  • $CONFIG['db_logs'] = 'log';
  • $CONFIG['passphrase'] = 'use a strong passphrase here';
  • $CONFIG['server_type'] = '2';
  • $CONFIG['check_server'] = '1';

Save and exit.


Point your browser to http://localhost/rocp or http://myhost.mydomain.tld/rocp to see your ROCP. Log in to configure it further if you wish.


Why is Apache2 recommended?

Apache2 has features which are not found in Apache1, such as SSL support. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is often found on Linux systems.

Why is MySQL 4.0.xx recommended?

ROCP is incompatible with MySQL 4.1 and AdoDB driver which comes with PHP4. While it is possible to edit my.ini to force the use of MySQL 4.0 passwords, it is better to avoid having the problem in the first place. The alternative is MySQL 4.1.xx and PHP5.

But I want ROCP to be the main site...

You can install ROCP in C:\apache2\htdocs instead of C:\apache2\htdocs\rocp. Follow the relevant installation steps for phpBB. Of course, you will need to make phpBB the sub-web.

ROCP doesn't show my server status!

Edit config.php and change the line $CONFIG['check_server'] = '0'; to $CONFIG['check_server'] = '1';. Refresh your browser and you should see the on-line status.