Installing & Using TortoiseSVN

Download and installation

Download TortoiseSVN installer from and run it. That is all to the installation. But where is TortoiseSVN? It has been integrated into Windows Explorer.

Using TortoiseSVN:

tsvn-011: Starting Checkout
Create a directory on a partition, e.g. C:\SVN. This will be the Athena source repository (also known as working copy) on Windows.

Right click C:\SVN and select Checkout

tsvn-021: The Checkout input pane
Key in the URL of the SVN server you want to download from.

Leave the rest as it is and click OK.

tsvn-031: Checkout in progress
Tortoise will fetch the whole branch for you.

tsvn-041: Starting Update
Updating repository
Right click on the same folder and select Update

tsvn-051: Starting Export
Exporting repository contents
Right click, select TortoiseSVN and then select Export.

tsvn-061: Selecting export directory
Point to the partition or folder you want to export to.

A duplicate of C:\SVN will be made on the target partition or in the target folder

tsvn-071: Update to Revision
Fetching the revision which you want:

Right click, select TortoiseSVN and then select Update to Revision.

tsvn-10: Update to Revision
Accept the default setting and click OK.

For athours and editors:

tsvn-081: Starting Commit
Commit: Right click, select TortoiseSVN and then select Commit.

tsvn-091: Starting Add
Right click, select TortoiseSVN and then select Add.


What is TortoiseSVN?

It is a Windows client to Subversion servers.

What is the difference between TortoiseSVN and Cygwin subversion?

There is no difference in term of functionality. They perform the same functions. Subversion, rather svn, is the Linux command line client.

Then what is Subversion server?

A subversion server is one which is compiled with Apache Portable Runtime (APR) to act as a versioning server, that is, hosting contents which are being updated and assigning version number to each update. It is similar in function to CVS, concurrent versioning system.