Windows Index


This guide does not tell you how to compile Windows native Athena using C++ interface. Even though Athena is written in C, you should consider using Windows native compile for added stability.

Where do we begin?

You might want to check out Hosting Requirements and make sure that you have all the components and tools before you start this major server project. Athena hosting in hours will be another good place to start.

System Checklist:

Athena Checklist:

Task list:



What is W32?

That is a term used in the Unix world to refer to 32-bit Windows. Try search for something with W32, e.g. apache w32, and prepare for a surprise.

Which is better, Linux or Windows?

There are many differences between the two, so are similiarities. It is not the intention of the author to lead (or mislead as the case may be) you into deciding which operating system is better. Why not just take a look at how things are done on Linux?