Using Subversion

How To Use Subversion:

svn-14: Getting help on subversion
Getting help:
$ svn --help

svn-15: Creating a checkout directory
Create a checkout directory (e.g. /home/user/SVN):
$ mkdir SVN

svn-01: Checkout a working copy
Check out a new repository (e.g. eAthena SVN stable branch):
where URL is currently
$ cd SVN
$ svn co URL

Note: If you do checkout from your home without first creating the directory, you will get a directory called stable created automatically. Adjust the command to suit your situation.

svn-10: Updating a working copy
Update an existing repository (same example):
$ cd SVN/stable
$ svn up

svn-16: Updating to a specific revision
Update an existing repository to a revision (same example):
where number is the revision number
$ cd SVN/stable
$ svn up -r <number>

svn-02: Getting revision number of a working copy
Getting revision number of source codes:
$ cd SVN/stable
$ svn info

Changing repository (rewriting URL):
where URL-old is the existing URL and URL-new the new URL
$ svn switch --relocate URL-old URL-new

Committing all the existant changes to the repository:
where <message> is the commit message in double quotes. (Note: This is only useful to persons with commit access.)
$ cd SVN/stable
$ svn commit -m <message>


Is there a GUI subversion client?

Yes. You can visit and fetch WebSVN from their repository or search your distro installation media for rapidsvn. The former is a PHP web-based client while the latter a Linux package.