Starting Athena

Shell scripts

sys-ls-grep: The "search" command

There are two scripts in /home/user/Athena. Unfortunately, athena-start does not work with SVN versions. It will start all three servers but will not transfer users to the map server.

sys-less-athstart1: The read command

For academic reason, let us try the script anyway. You may also take the opportunity to see how a start up script is written.

sys-less-athstart2: Part of the "athena-start" script

First, modify the script athena-start and change instances of login-server, char-server and map-server to login-server_sql, char-server_sql and map-server_sql respectively if you are using Athena SQL. One area has been marked for you. Watch the paths too.

sys-chmod755: The chmod command

Make them executable:

$ cd /home/user/Athena

$ chmod 755 start

$ chmod 755 athena-start
Alternative command:
$ chmod +x start

$ chmod +x athena-start

sys-runstart: Starting Athena with the "start" script

Start Athena using start script:

The start script will launch athena-start.
$ cd /home/user/Athena

$ ./start

sys-run-athstart: Starting Athena with the "athena-start" script

Start Athena using athena-start script:

$ cd /home/user/Athena

$ ./athena-start start

Test it anyway

You might want to try logging in. Who knows?

Those scripts are said to work on FreeBSD without modification.

Modified version of start and athena-start are available on request.


sys-start-logsrv: The chmod command

Let us start Athena servers separately (without _sql for TXT user):

login server:
$ cd /home/user/Athena

$ ./login-server_sql

char server:
$ cd /home/user/Athena

$ ./char-server_sql

map server:
$ cd /home/user/Athena

$ ./map-server_sql

The Athena server is ready.


sys-psax-grep: The ps ax command

Let us check whether Athena is listening to the correct ports:

$ ps ax | grep login-server

$ ps ax | grep char-server

$ ps ax | grep map-server

Other methods

There are other methods, including automatic start-up when system reboot, but those are outside the scope.