Data Folder


Data folder is not essential to Athena. Skip this if you do not have any custom item.

What is it?

On the client side, the files in this folder override the corresponding files in data.grf and sdata.grf to give your server the distinctive characteristics you want. But on the server side, Athena only cares about those files essential to process packets to and from clients. You can therefore leave out files like opening.bik and sclientinfo.xml.

Where to get it?

A sample Data folder (by BowieBowie of eAthena Home) is available from eaMirror.

How to use it?

Let us create a Data directory in /home/user:

$ mkdir Data

Using the example of FTP transfer in KRO GRFs, let us get files into Data folder:

$ cd /home/user/Data
$ ftp
login stuff here
ftp> cd Program Files
ftp> cd Gravity
ftp> cd RO
ftp> get *.*
ftp> bye

Then edit grf-files.txt and add:

data_dir: /home/user/Data


Can I use the client Data Folder instead of having another one?

Yes. The idea of a server Data folder is to reduce the transfer time from the Windows client host and possibly server read time. Besides, a smaller set of files is certainly easier to manage.

Can I use adata.grf on the server?

Certainly. You should use a copy of your client Data folder as a precautionary measure. The converted Data folder might cause problem with some clients which insist on non-Korean folder names.