Creating Cron Jobs

The Webmin way

wbm-351: Webmin log in page
Log in to Webmin at https://localhost:10000 as root.

wbm-301: Webmin System page
Click System button at the top of Webmin home page. Then select Scheduled Cron Jobs

wbm-311: Scheduled Cron Jobs page
When you see the cron job list, scroll down and select Create a new cron job.

wbm-321: Create Cron Job
Create a cron job in the following way:

For Execute cron job as key in the name of a home user or root (preferred).

For Active?, select Yes

For Command, key in the full path to the shell command to run a binary or script, e.g. ./home/user/athena/start

For Input to command, key your shell command or script, line by line, into the the input box.

For Description, key in any suitable phrase to explain what that cron job is.

For When to execute set your schedule here

wbm-331: Schedule

wbm-341: Final part of Create Cron Job
Click the Create button and it is done.

wbm-60: Deleting Cron Job
To delete, go to the first Cron page and click the command you made, look for the Delete button on the job creation (next) page and click it.

Alternatively, select (tick) the cron job which you want to delete and click the Delete Selected Jobs button.