64-bit Athena

Is Athena 32-bit only?

The stable branch and trunk of eAthena are not portable to 64-bit because of the way pointers are written. In a nutshell, memory handling codes are missing.

Where is 64-bit Athena?

EAPP (eAthena C++) branch can be 64-bit. EAPP from revision SVN-3885 to SVN-4445 had been successfully compiled with GCC 4 and run on an AMD64-base Mandriva 10.2 system. Behaviour of EAPP-64 server is similar to eAthena of around August 2005, naturally so since development took off from a snapshot of eAthena around that time.

A tarball of 64-bit EAPP-3885, complete with binaries, source codes with fixes and modified start and athena-start is available on request. (Note: The tarball is made on a 64/64 Mandriva system.)

A little bit of history

EAPP has been removed from eAthena repository in April 2006.

The repository was reopened in June 2006. Precompiled Windows native 32-bit EAPP packages were made available since. At the time of this revision (August 2006), EAPP is not ready for production use.