Hexed Executable


It is an offence under copyrights laws to alter a program.


Download diff patcher by Maldiablo from eAthena Home and install it, on Windows, of course.
Download sakexe.exe (the original unpatched one) and the corresponding diff file (diff files from Zephyris and Mrmagoo found on Athena Home are recommended) to a Windows folder, unpack the archive if necessary.


dif-locate-exe: Maldiablo startup screen
Locate and click start Maldiablo patcher

dif-launch: Maldiablo startup screen
Diff file to use: click browse to locate file

dif-sel-diff: Selecting diff file to use
Select the diff file.

dif-selected: Browse for sakexe.exe
File to patch: click browse to locate file

dif-sel-sak: Selecting sakexe.exe
Select the sakexe.exe to be patched

dif-setgo: All set to start patching
Click Next button to start the patching process.

dif-opt: Available options
Note: Your screen might show a different output

Available options (set by the diff file). There is no perfect way of selecting a working combination.

Have a note pad nearby to record selected options

dif-opt-dataf: Selecting "read data folder" option
Make sure read data folder first is selected if you are using client Data folder.

Make sure multiple grf is selected and read data folder first is deselected if you are using client Custom grf.

dif-opt-plaintext: Selecting "use plain text" option
Make sure Use Plain Text Description is selected to avoid gibberish descriptions.

dif-opt-more: Selecting other options
Select other options you want but make sure you do not select more than one option from a numbered group, i.e. group with [number].

Some sample options.

dif-opt-more2: Selecting other options
More sample options.
Note the selection of DNS Support.

dif-opt-more3: Selecting other options
Even more sample options.

Note the selection of Multiple GRF.

dif-opt-done: Selected options
Selection is complete. A sample is shown here.

Change the name and directory of the patched sakexe (hexed exe) if you want.

Click Write the patch to finish.

dif-patched: Patching is complete
Patching is complete.

dif-hexedexe: The hexed executable
Look for the patched executable (hexed exe) and copy it to your RO folder for testing. Note: Rename the existing hexed exe to something else to avoid writing over.


Test the patched hexed executable. If it does not work, repeat the process until you get one. Turn to the page in your note pad with those successful settings, mark it and store away for future reference.


Client is not latest version or of version -1...

That error is shown when you have sakexe of a packet version higher than what the server is capable of reading. The same error can also occur when an account_id is lower than 704500 in SQL version.