Charcommand Configuration Import File

This file contains GM commands which used to start with @char. That is to say, @char is replaced by #. Only commands up to GM60 are listed here.

It will be a bad idea to give non-GM players any of these commands. The example — zeny: 40 — allows a GM40 to use the command #zeny (previously @charzeny).

// GM20
fakename: 20

// GM40
stats: 40
statsall: 40
itemlist: 40
effect: 40
storagelist: 40
petrename: 50
petfriendly: 50
model: 50
option: 60
save: 60

// GM60
reset: 60
spiritball: 60
item: 60
job: 60
jobchange: 60
zeny: 60
baselvl: 60
blvl: 60
baselvlup: 60
joblevel: 60
jlevel: 60
joblevelup: 60
questskill: 60
lostskill: 60
streset: 60
skreset: 60
stpoint: 60
skpoint: 60
charchangesex: 60